Male Names | Female Names | |||||
Name | Series | Episode | Name | Series | Episode | |
Vadosia, Ambassador | Star Trek: DS9 | The Forsaken | Vana | Dr. Who | The Krotons | |
Vagh | Star Trek: NG | The Mind's Eye | Vanessa | Star Trek: NG | The Royale | |
Valerian | Star Trek: DS9 | Dramatis Personae | Vanessa, Aunt | Dr. Who | Logopolis | |
Valeyard | Dr. Who | Mindwarp, Terror of the Vervoids | Vanna | Star Trek- OS | The Cloud Minders | |
Valgard | Dr. Who | Terminus | Varel | Star Trek: NG | The Next Phase | |
Vallance | Dr. Who | The Wheel in Space | Varis | Star Trek: DS9 | The Storyteller | |
Valmar | Dr. Who | Power of the Daleks | Varne | Dr. Who | Attack of the Cybermen | |
Valtane | Star Trek: Voyager | Basics | Varria | Star Trek: NG | The Most Toys | |
Vanden Willard | Star Wars | Episode IV: A New Hope (AKA "The First movie") | Vash | Star Trek: DS9 | Q-Less | |
Vanderberg, Chief Engineer | Star Trek- OS | The Devil in the Dark | Vash | Star Trek: NG | Captain's Holiday, Qpid | |
VanLutyens | Dr. Who | Fury from the Deep | Vayna | Star Trek: DS9 | Sanctuary | |
VanLyden | Dr. Who | Ambassadors of Death | Veet | Dr. Who | The Sun Makers | |
Varani | Star Trek: DS9 | Sanctuary | Vekor | Star Trek: NG | Gambit | |
Vardan | Dr. Who | The Invasion of Time | Vena | Blake's 7 | Headhunter | |
Varga | Dr. Who | Ice Warriors | Venussa | Dr. Who | The Ark | |
Vargas | Star Trek: DS9 | The Siege of AR-558 | Verlis | Blake's 7 | Assassin | |
Vargas | Blake's 7 | Cygnus Alpha | Veron | Blake's 7 | Pressure Point | |
Vargos | Dr. Who | The Happiness Patrol | Vicki | Dr. Who | various | |
Varl | Dr. Who | The Two Doctors | Victoria Miller | Star Trek: NG | Haven | |
Varlik | Dr. Who | Power of Kroll | Victoria Waterfield | Dr. Who | various | |
Varon | Blake's 7 | The Way Back | Villagra | Dr. Who | Four to Doomsday | |
Varsh | Dr. Who | Full Circle | Vina | Star Trek- OS | The Cage | |
Vasor | Dr. Who | The Keys of Marinus | Vinka | Star Trek: Voyager | Virtuoso | |
Vatm, Dr. | Star Trek: Voyager | Rise | Vira | Dr. Who | The Ark in Space | |
Veer | Star Trek: Voyager | Distant Origin | Vivien Fay | Dr. Who | Stones of Blood | |
Vega Nexos | Dr. Who | The Monster of Peladon | Vrestin | Dr. Who | The Web Planet | |
Vel | Star Trek: Voyager | The Chute | V'Sal | Star Trek: NG | Data's Day | |
Veldan | Dr. Who | Destiny of the Daleks | ||||
Ven | Star Trek: Voyager | Inifinite Regress | ||||
Ven Glynd | Blake's 7 | The Way Back, Voices from the Past | ||||
Vena | Dr. Who | Timelash | ||||
Verad | Star Trek: DS9 | Invasive Procedures | ||||
Veros | Dr. Who | State Of Decay | ||||
Vershinin | Dr. Who | The Curse of Fenric | ||||
Vetnor | Blake's 7 | Countdown | ||||
Vic Fontaine | Star Trek: DS9 | various | ||||
Vila Restral | Blake's 7 | various | ||||
Villar | Dr. Who | The War Games | ||||
Vin | Star Trek: DS9 | Past Tense | ||||
Vince | Dr. Who | Horror of Fang Rock | ||||
Viner | Dr. Who | Tomb of the Cybermen | ||||
Vinni | Blake's 7 | Death-Watch | ||||
Vinny | Dr. Who | Delta and the Bannermen | ||||
Vinod | Star Trek: DS9 | Paradise | ||||
Viorsa | Star Trek: Voyager | The Thaw | ||||
Virak'kara | Star Trek: DS9 | To the Death | ||||
Vishinsky | Dr. Who | Planet of Evil | ||||
Vogel | Dr. Who | Revelation of the Daleks | ||||
Volnoth | Star Trek: NG | The Vengeance Factor | ||||
Von Weich | Dr. Who | The War Games | ||||
Vorg | Dr. Who | Carnival of Monsters | ||||
Vorik | Star Trek: Voyager | various | ||||
Vorin | Star Trek: NG | Homeward | ||||
Vorshack | Dr. Who | Warriors of the Deep | ||||
Vorta | Star Trek: DS9 | Honor Among Thieves | ||||
Vorus | Dr. Who | Revenge of the Cybermen | ||||
Vosper | Dr. Who | The Mind of Evil | ||||
Voval | Star Trek: NG | Liaisons | ||||
Vreenak | Star Trek: DS9 | In the Pale Moonlight | ||||
Vrelk | Star Trek: Voyager | Extreme Risk | ||||
Vural | Dr. Who | The Sontaran Experiment |
Male Names | Female Names | |||||
Name | Series | Episode | Name | Series | Episode | |
Wagnor | Star Trek: NG | The Hunted | Warren | Star Trek: NG | Who Watches The Watchers? | |
Wagstaffe | Dr. Who | Spearhead from Space | Wiggs, Mrs. | Dr. Who | The Celestial Toymaker | |
Wahed | Dr. Who | The Dominators | Wildman, Ensign | Star Trek: Voyager | various | |
Wainwright | Star Trek: DS9 | Little Green Men | Winifred Bambera, Brigadier | Dr. Who | Battlefield | |
Wainwright, Reverend | Dr. Who | The Curse of Fenric | Winn, Kai | Star Trek: DS9 | various | |
Wakasa | Star Trek: NG | Journey's End | Winters, Miss | Dr. Who | Robot | |
Wald | Star Wars | Episode 1: The Phantom Menace | Wrack | Dr. Who | Enlightenment | |
Walker | Dr. Who | The Sea Devils | ||||
Walker Keel, Captain | Star Trek: NG | Conspiracy | ||||
Wallace | Blake's 7 | The Way Back | ||||
Walter Pierce | Star Trek: NG | Eye of the Beholder | ||||
Walters | Dr. Who | Ice Warriors | ||||
Walters, Sergeant | Dr. Who | The Invasion | ||||
Wang-Lo | Dr. Who | Marco Polo | ||||
Warlock, Dr | Dr. Who | Pyramids of Mars | ||||
Warne | Dr. Who | The Space Pirates | ||||
Warner | Dr. Who | Revenge of the Cybermen | ||||
Watkins, Professor | Dr. Who | The Invasion | ||||
Watters | Star Trek: DS9 | Valiant | ||||
Watto | Star Wars | Episode 1: The Phantom Menace | ||||
Watts | Dr. Who | The Sea Devils | ||||
Watts, Lt. | Star Wars | Return of the Jedi | ||||
Weams | Dr. Who | The Web of Fear | ||||
Weazel | Star Wars | Episode 1: The Phantom Menace | ||||
Webb | Star Trek: DS9 | Past Tense | ||||
Webster | Dr. Who | Reign of Terror | ||||
Wedge Antilles | Star Wars | various | ||||
Weismuller | Dr. Who | Delta and the Bannermen | ||||
Wences | Dr. Who | The Happiness Patrol | ||||
Weng-Chiang | Dr. Who | The Talons of Weng Chiang | ||||
Wes Janson | Star Wars | The Empire Strikes Back | ||||
Wesley Crusher | Star Trek: NG | various | ||||
Wester | Dr. Who | Planet of the Daleks | ||||
Weyoun | Star Trek: DS9 | various | ||||
Whalen | Star Trek: NG | The Big Good-Bye | ||||
Whatley, Admiral | Star Trek: DS9 | Rapture | ||||
Whitaker, Professor | Dr. Who | Invasion of the Dinosaurs | ||||
Wicket W. Warrick | Star Wars | Return of the Jedi | ||||
Wigner | Dr. Who | The Tenth Planet | ||||
Wiler | Blake's 7 | Killer | ||||
Will Chandler | Dr. Who | Awakening | ||||
William Thomas Riker | Star Trek: NG | various | ||||
Williamde Tornebu | Dr. Who | The Crusade | ||||
Williamdes Preaux | Dr. Who | The Crusade | ||||
Williams | Dr. Who | Frontier in Space | ||||
Williams | Dr. Who | The Tenth Planet | ||||
Willie Potts | Star Trek: NG | Brothers | ||||
Willis | Dr. Who | The War Games | ||||
Wilson | Dr. Who | The Sea Devils | ||||
Winser | Dr. Who | Claws of Axos | ||||
Winstanley | Dr. Who | The Daemons | ||||
Winton | Dr. Who | The Colony in Space | ||||
Wioslea | Star Wars | Episode IV: A New Hope (AKA "The First movie") | ||||
Wixiban | Star Trek: Voyager | Fair Trade | ||||
Woban | Star Trek: DS9 | The Storyteller | ||||
Worf | Star Trek: NG | various | ||||
Wright | Dr. Who | The Silurians | ||||
Wuher | Star Wars | Episode IV: A New Hope (AKA "The First movie") | ||||
Wulfric | Dr. Who | The Happiness Patrol | ||||
Wulnoth | Dr. Who | The Time Meddler | ||||
Wyatt | Star Trek: NG | Haven | ||||
Wyatt | Dr. Who | Inferno | ||||
Wylda | Dr. Who | The Savages | ||||
Wyron Serper | Star Wars | The Empire Strikes Back |
Male Names | Female Names | |||||
Name | Series | Episode | Name | Series | Episode | |
Xepolite | Star Trek: DS9 | The Maquis | Xanxia, Queen | Dr. Who | The Pirate Planet |
Male Names | Female Names | |||||
Name | Series | Episode | Name | Series | Episode | |
Yaddle | Star Wars | Episode 1: The Phantom Menace | Yanar | Star Trek: NG | The Outrageous Okona | |
Yarnek | Star Trek- OS | The Savage Curtain | Yané | Star Wars | Episode 1: The Phantom Menace | |
Yartek | Dr. Who | The Keys of Marinus | Yarael Poof | Star Wars | Episode 1: The Phantom Menace | |
Yates | Dr. Who | various | Yareena | Star Trek: NG | Code of Honor | |
Yedrin | Star Trek: DS9 | Children of Time | Yareth | Star Trek: DS9 | Vortex | |
Yelgrun | Star Trek: DS9 | The Magnificent Ferengi | Yarka, Vedek | Star Trek: DS9 | Destiny | |
Yeln | Star Trek: DS9 | Second Skin | Yarna d'al'Gargan | Star Wars | Return of the Jedi | |
Yendom | Dr. Who | The Ark | Yassim, Vedek | Star Trek: DS9 | Rocks and Shoals | |
Yeng | Dr. Who | Marco Polo | Yates | Star Trek: DS9 | various | |
Yeto | Star Trek: DS9 | Invasive Procedures | Y'Pora | Star Trek: DS9 | The Begotten | |
Yoda | Star Wars | Episode 1: The Phantom Menace | Yteppa | Star Trek: DS9 | Second Skin | |
Yog | Star Trek: NG | Firstborn | Yuta | Star Trek: NG | The Vengeance Factor | |
Yolad | Star Trek: DS9 | Equilibrium | ||||
Yost | Star Trek: Voyager | Gravity | ||||
Yranac | Star Trek: NG | Gambit | ||||
Yrcanos, King | Dr. Who | Mindwarp | ||||
Y'Sek | Star Trek: Voyager | Think Tank |
Male Names | Female Names | |||||
Name | Series | Episode | Name | Series | Episode | |
Za | Dr. Who | an Unearthly Child | Zaheva | Star Trek: NG | Night Terrors | |
Zadek | Dr. Who | The Androids of Tara | Zarabeth | Star Trek- OS | All Our Yesterdays | |
Zahir | Star Trek: Voyager | Darkling | Zeeona | Blake's 7 | Warlord | |
Zahl | Star Trek: Voyager | Year of Hell | Zelda | Blake's 7 | Children of Auron | |
Zake | Dr. Who | The Sontaran Experiment | Zero One | Star Trek: NG | 11001001 | |
Zarak | Dr. Who | Time Flight | Zil | Blake's 7 | Trial | |
Zargo | Dr. Who | State Of Decay | Zilda | Dr. Who | The Robots of Death | |
Zaroff, Professor | Dr. Who | The Ultimate Warrior | Ziyal | Star Trek: DS9 | various | |
Zastor | Dr. Who | Meglos | Zoe Herriot | Dr. Who | various | |
Zayner | Star Trek: NG | The Hunted | Zora | Star Trek- OS | The Savage Curtain | |
Zayra | Star Trek: DS9 | A Man Alone | Zyree | Star Trek: DS9 | The Rules of Acquisition | |
Zazzka | Dr. Who | The Hand of Fear | ||||
Zbrigniev, Sergeant | Dr. Who | Battlefield | ||||
Zed | Dr. Who | Dragonfire | ||||
Zee | Blake's 7 | Gambit, Powerplay | ||||
Zef'no | Star Trek: DS9 | The Circle | ||||
Zefram Cochrane | Star Trek- OS | Metamorphosis | ||||
Zek | Star Trek: DS9 | various | ||||
Zen | Blake's 7 | various | ||||
Zentos | Dr. Who | The Ark | ||||
Zephon | Dr. Who | The Daleks' Masterplan | ||||
Zev Senesca (Rogue 2) | Star Wars | The Empire Strikes Back | ||||
Zimmerman | Star Trek: DS9 | Dr. Bashir, I Presume? | ||||
Zio | Star Trek: Voyager | The Chute | ||||
Zlangco | Star Trek: DS9 | Battle Lines | ||||
Zolan | Star Trek: DS9 | Cardassians | ||||
Zoldaz | Dr. Who | State Of Decay | ||||
Zondal | Dr. Who | Ice Warriors | ||||
Zorac | Dr. Who | Arc of infinity | ||||
Zorn | Star Trek: NG | Encounter at Farpoint | ||||
Zukan | Blake's 7 | Warlord | ||||
Zuko | Dr. Who | Planet of Fire | ||||
Zutton | Star Wars | Episode IV: A New Hope (AKA "The First movie") |
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